Quick Guide: Overcome board exam stress and anxiety

Ryan International School Exams Stress

Starting Feb 2020, students across the country gear up for Class 10 and 12 board exam. Board exam brings on high levels of stress and anxiety that could not only affect your performance, but also a student’s self esteem and confidence.

In collaboration with certified and experienced clinical psychologists from Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences at Fortis Healthcare we present a thoughtfully drafted guide to help students sail through the exam waves without any trouble.


  • Make a study schedule with regular, focused and well-spaced sessions
  • Evaluate yourself with self-tests. This will help you focus on the parts where you need improvement
  • Stay healthy with a good diet and plenty of physical activity
  • Take out time for leisure activities.
  • Relax and engage in positive discussions
  • Do not make a comparison between your work and others
  • Revise thoroughly but don’t overdo.
  • Get plenty of sleep, at least 7-8 hours every night
  • Avoid frantic last-minute revisions is leads to concussion and stress
  • Talk to your friends about everything but studies
  • Try to minimise the waiting time outside the hall
  • Tell yourself, “I am prepared. I will do well”


  • Settle down and compose yourself
  • Try a quick relaxation technique take a few deep breaths
  • Remember, feeling anxious is normal
  • Read the question paper calmly and plan out your time
  • If you don’t know an answer, leave it for later and try the next one
  • Leave some extra space after each answer for adding content later
  • There is no need to hurry. It’s not a race
  • Don’t be bothered by the number of sheets others are taking. Focus on your content
  • Leave some time for revision


  • Avoid getting involved in discussions about the question paper
  • Do not worry about what you may have missed out or could have written differently
  • Take a break and relax at home
  • Resume studies when you feel comfortable

This article is written by certified and experienced clinical psychologists from Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences at Fortis Healthcare

Ryan Editorial Team